2015年10月13日 星期二

[研究新知介紹] 修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome) 與癌症(Cancer)的發生風險


修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome) 與癌症(Cancer)的發生風險


成大風濕免疫科2012年在風濕科第一名期刊Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases發表一篇文章,探討「修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome) 與癌症(Cancer)的發生風險」。研究團隊利用台灣健保資料庫,統計2002年到2008年間7852修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome)重大傷病之患者共277人併發癌症


成大風濕免疫科2012年在風濕科第一名期刊Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases發表一篇文章,探討「修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome) 與癌症(Cancer)的發生風險」。研究團隊利用台灣健保資料庫,統計2002年到2008年間7852修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome)重大傷病之患者共277人併發癌症

表一、修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome) 重大傷病患者統計顯示:

表二、修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome)患者併發癌症統計顯示:

表五、修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome)患者併發癌症之風險與排名統計顯示:
1.女性併發癌症,第一名為非何傑金氏淋巴癌(Non-Hodgkin lymphoma,風險7.08倍),第二名為多發性骨髓瘤(Multiple myeloma,風險6.09倍),第三名為甲狀腺癌(Thyroid gland,風險2.56倍)
2.男性併發癌症,第一名為非何傑金氏淋巴癌(Non-Hodgkin lymphoma,風險3.10倍),第二名為攝護腺癌(Prostate Cancer,風險1.41倍),第三名為肺癌(Lung Cancer,風險1.23倍)。

比較特殊的是,女性患者中發生大腸癌(Colon Cancer,風險0.22倍)及直腸癌(Rectum Cancer,風險0.61倍)的風險非常低,研究團隊推測可能是修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome)或類風濕性關節炎(Rheumatoid Arthritis)患者,常常併發纖維肌痛症(Fibromyalgia),因此需要服用非類固醇抗發炎藥物 (NSAID, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug)來改善疼痛,間接降低腸胃道癌症的發生

另外,修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome)女性患者併發癌症第三名的甲狀腺癌(Thyroid gland,風險2.56倍),有另外的研究也指出自體免疫甲狀腺炎中的橋本氏甲狀腺炎(Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)也常常併發修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome)女性患者,兩者之間可能有相關

因此本文結論建議,雖然大部分的修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome)患者不太會發生癌症,只有25-44歲修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome)女性患者有較高的風險會發生癌症,但仍然建議修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome)患者能進行癌症篩檢,尤其是女性患者,特別要注意非何傑金氏淋巴癌(Non-Hodgkin lymphoma)、多發性骨髓瘤(Multiple myeloma)及甲狀腺癌(Thyroid gland)。

摘錄自Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases研究成果:

 2012 Apr;71(4):524-7. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2011-200402. Epub 2011 Nov 9.

Incidence of cancer in a nationwide population cohort of 7852 patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome inTaiwan.



Patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) are at a higher risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). However, little is known with regard to the risk of developing cancers other than NHL. The authors aimed in this study to compare the incidence of cancer in various sites among patients with pSS with the general population of Taiwan.


The authors used National Health Insurance claims data to establish a nationwide population cohort of 7852 patients with pSS from 2000 to 2008 who did not have cancer prior to diagnosis of pSS. Incidence and standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) for cancer in various sites were calculated.


Among patients with pSS, 277 (2.9%) developed cancer. The SIR for cancer was 1.04 (95% CI 0.91 to 1.18) among patients of all ages with pSS and was 2.19 (95% CI 1.43 to 3.21) for patients aged 25-44 years. Female patients with pSS had a higher risk of NHL (SIR 7.1, 95% CI 4.3 to 10.3), multiple myeloma (SIR 6.1, 95% CI 2.0 to 14.2) and thyroid gland cancer (SIR 2.6, 95% CI 1.4 to 4.3) and a lower risk of colon cancer (SIR 0.22, 95% CI 0.05 to 0.65). In contrast, male patients with pSS were not at a higher risk of developing cancer in particular sites.


Patients with pSS, overall, did not have higher risk of cancer, and only patients aged 25-44 years were at an increased risk of cancer compared with their counterparts in the general populationCancer screening for patients with pSS, especially female patients, should focus on NHL and multiple myeloma and thyroid gland cancer.


