2013年4月23日 星期二

[論文發表] 附子在溫經散寒及清熱瀉火劑之數學模式表現

Alternative TitleA Mathematical Method to Differentiate the Effects of "Aconitum carmichaeli Debx" in Different Prescriptions
Author張清貿(Ching-Mao Chang);侯庭鏞(Tin-Yun Ho);朱學亭(Hsueh-Ting Chu);李佳橙(Chia-Cheng Lee);張永賢(Yung-Hsien Chang)
Journal TitleMid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine
Vol./Publishing DateVol.13 No.3 (2008/09)
Abstract背景/目的 探討「附子」在溫經散寒劑及清熱瀉火劑的數學模式表現。 方法 利用Euclidean Distance數學計算方法對中藥「四氣」、「五味」及「歸經」三個屬性作演算,計算方劑之間的相對距離,並以此分析宋本《傷寒論》中「附子類家族」之間的性能關係,再以Hierarchical Clustering Tree(叢集樹狀圖)將結果呈現出來。 結果 數學模式顯示歸屬於「清熱」方劑巾「清熱瀉火」的「附子瀉心湯」和其他9個「溫經散寒」方劑有顯著差異。 結論 經山數學模式顯示各個方劑之間的相對距離及陸能關係,並山叢集樹狀圖看出分群效應。Background/Purpose. Chinese herbs are categorized according to several properties in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), such as the four qi (cold, cool, flat , warm and hot), five flavors (sour, astringent, bitter, sweet, bland, acrid and salty), and the twelve meridians (lung, large intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, pericardium, san-jiao, gall bladder and liver). Chinese herbal formulas comprise a variety of herbs and the effect of a particular formula is regard as the combination of four qi, five flavors and twelve meridians. The purpose of this study was to use mathematical methods derived from bioinformatics to analyze the four qi, five flavors and 12 meridians in 10 Chinese herbal formulas comprising herbs from the genus Aconitum. These ten formulas in TCM belong to the Fuzi-like family. Methods. The three properties (twenty-four factors in total) in ten formulas were converted into mathematic languages. We considered these ten mathematical languages to be the sequences of each formula. We then used the sequences to calculate their relative distances with Euclidean Distance matrix analysis. The results are presented with clustering methods to create a tree view (Hierarchical Clustering Tree). Results. Two types of Aconitum formula could be distinguished from clustering and the tree view. Nine of these ten formulas had a "warm the channels and dissipate cold" effect and one formula, the "Aconite Heart-Draining Decoction" had a "clear heat and drain fire" effect. Conclusion. It is possible to use a three-variable mathematical model to understand different properties in various herbal formulas.
Keyword(s)附子,清熱瀉火,叢集樹狀圖,溫經散寒;Aconitum carmichaeli Debx,clear heat and drain fire,Hierarchical Clustering Tree,warm the channels and dissipate cold
TEPS CategorySubject Catagory>Medical & Life Science>Medicine


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